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Political Signs
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It is that time of year, the ads are all over the television, election time is fast approaching and the candidates are out in full force trying to gain our vote. Billboards, bumper sticks and other political signs are all around. Whether a person is running for a national or local office using political signs can help a candidate get the votes.
It is said that it takes people seven touches to feel as though they know another person. These seven touches help build rapport and comfort. These seven touches aren’t physical touches, it is more about the number of times a person sees or hears a name. It helps to build a connection between two people with out every really meeting.
Knowing this then should mean that careful planning goes into creating the perfect political yard sign for your campaign. A well done sign will help spread your word, get your name out there and make an impression. Do not waste campaign dollars on busy signs that are hard to read and difficult to remember. Simplicity, creativity and impressive are the keys to a well done political sign.
Seeing as that the main purpose of the sign is to get a candidates name out there, strategic placement of the name is important as is the repetition of the sign. Placing political street signs in areas that have the most support for the candidate are wonderful but do not limit yourself to one specific area. Posting the signs in as many places as possible keeping in mind where you are placing them will also help get the candidates name out.
Other then a name, what else should go on a political sign? Do not make the mistake of trying to put to many things on the sign. The name of the person running and the office they are running for is perfect. If you would like to include short simple phrases that is acceptable too such as “Elect…” or “Re-Elect…”
The size of your political sign is also important. Using different sizes of signs is a practice that any successful campaign should follow. You do not want the sign to be so small they are hard to read and if you are looking at placing a political sign on a highway then the bigger the better. The average size corrugated political sign on a highway is 8’x8’.
Make sure that you take into consideration what your signs are made of. If your sign is going to be outside and posted there for awhile you will want to make sure that weather resistant materials are used. Material such as corrugated plastic is best. If corrugated plastic is too expensive for your campaign budget you may want to use poster board that has been weather coated.